Kolab on Kubernetes is a complete Kolab distribution that includes everything you need to run Kolab in production.
Kolab consists of many components that can be configured separately, with a great deal of flexibility. Kolab on Kubernetes packages all components via container images and a Helm chart, into a turnkey solution that includes everything required for running Kolab.
This includes Kolab itself, but also integrates everything that you require to operate Kolab in production:
- All required services such as:
- IMAP Server
- Mariadb
- Redis
- Postfix
- Amavis
- Apache
- A log aggregation solution based on vector and loki
- A monitoring and alerting solution based on loki/prometheus and alertmanager
- An optional integrated matrix service
- Integrated collaborative editing
- A webrtc webconferencing solution (kolab-meet)
By integrating all services into a Kubernetes deployment it is ensured that the entire solution can be tested and deployed, in the exact same configuration, as many times as desired.
Further benefits:
- The system is described by the values.yaml + Helm Chart along with the used images in its entirety, meaning there are never any untracked local changes.
- Configurations that affect multiple components can be centrally managed, and the Helm chart takes care that all required configuration changes happen.
- Kolab on Kubernetes is ideal for a GitOps approach where all changes to the system are tracked in a version control system.
- Kolab on Kubernetes can be used for small single host deployments with k3s or large clustered deployments on Openshift.
- It is possible to integrate existing infrastructure, such as an existing mariadb cluster, which can make sense if the same infrastructure is already used elsewhere.