Enable Automatic Email Signatures

In a time when email addresses did not always make sense, email signatures served the purpose of identifying the author to the recipient. As described in RFC1855 (Netiquette), it had to be short and to the point. Evolution has since driven the feature of signatures into new functionality and areas, like marketing and legal recognition. Today many organizations has strict rules for signatures, the content and the format, and some countries demand business mails to have certain text and statements included in the signature.

Kolab has an option to automate this feature, so that organizations can be assured that rules and appliance are followed.


Configure DKIM Signing and Verification

Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM, or Mail Identified through Domain Keys) is a cryptographic technology using which domain owners publish the public keys of public-private key pairs used for signing email messages. This allows third parties to establish a degree of confidence about the message originating from designated and duly authorized infrastructure. In other words, it’s a been there ribbon.

This article explains how to configure a Kolab environment to sign mail messages with DKIM and verify DKIM signatures on inbound email.
